Our New Open Floor Plan

...ared them a “death trap.” Then the good natured Will Wallus of the Weekend Homestead came on the podcast to gently defend open floor plans. Naturally, I’m spending this month making our house, gasp, more open. Let me explain. When I installed the floor in the living room in the aughts I discovered an opening that used to exist between our living room and what we use as our bedroom. Back in 1920 this house was a one bedroom with a kind of sitting r...


118 Eric of Garden Fork on Old Houses, Queen Bees and Ramps

...ow Eric mentions: His live question and answer session Will of the Weekend Homestead New York City water tower video Raising queen bees Better Bee Pacific Ready Cut catalog New York Times article on the over harvesting of ramps Growing your own ramps Eric’s cornpone disaster If you’d like to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to rootsimple@gmail.com. You can subscribe to our podcast in the iTun...


Saturday Tweets: Cats, Silicon Valley and DIY Bus Benches

...dventures living on 11 acres in the midwest without electricity or running water! #homestead pic.twitter.com/n00fv7UsBd — Gardenerd (@gardenerd1) November 29, 2018 UK retailer offers Christmas trees for cat lovers https://t.co/jem0367EEh — Root Simple (@rootsimple) November 29, 2018 Laugh/cry! https://t.co/sXT6C6aPz1 — Mollie Stratton (@MollieStratton) November 29, 2018 👏 Two Swedish mums have managed to persuade 10,000 people not to fly next year...


Plastic or Wood?

...these are the new rules. We are going to phase as many plastics out of the homestead as we can. We won’t toss what we have in the landfill right now, but when it is time to replace it, this is how it’s going down: Wood and metal utensils instead of plastic Glass storage containers instead of Tupperwear Wool blankets instead of Polarfleece blankets Down filling instead of polyester filling (even for allergy sufferers)* Silk and wool fabrics for ath...
