2022 in Review: Cats, Mushrooms and Politics

...apture at least one swarm of bees and hand them off to a friend who has an urban farm and apiary. Kelly and I have a pet sitting arrangement with some friends of ours. When we go away they watch our menagerie and when they go away I head out to Pomona to look after Harpo the parrot and his dog, cat and gecko companions. Random Wanderings When you see a display of fake plastic corn dogs you have to take a picture. I tried and failed to get through...


Lehigh Valley Workshop’s Infinite Subversion

...e past few months I’ve been attempting to lift the hood a bid on the whole urban homesteading thing. As Frederic Jameson says, “We have to name the system.” This mapping and naming process is the first step towards constructive work. LVW is attempting to do just that and the fact that your right wing relatives and your hipster artist types all follow him in Instagram says something about the value of his strategy. You can find LVW on YouTube and I...


Weekend Linkages: AI, That Damn Metaverse, Living Pantries and Compressed Air

...Image from the deep internets. The stupidity of AI Who Is Still Inside the Metaverse? Searching for friends in Mark Zuckerberg’s deserted fantasyland. No, Cities Aren’t Doomed Because of Remote Work Los Angeles’s Metro Is Using Classical Music as a Weapon ‘A living pantry’: how an urban food forest in Arizona became a model for climate action History and Future of the Compressed Air Economy...
