Get Off Your Ass and Plant a Survival Garden!

...some fresh produce on hand in case of the inevitable zombie invasion. Now, vegetable gardening takes some practice and unfortunately very few books deal with the specifics of Los Angeles’ unique Mediterranean climate. Most gardening books and the information on the back of seed packets are written for schmucks in the northeast who have to deal with things like cold weather. This is why you need a copy of our So-Cal homegirl Pat Welsh’s Southern Ca...


Our new front yard: history

...cape, and really, our relationship to the world as whole. While we enjoyed vegetable gardening, we decided we didn’t need to do so much of it. It began to seem competitive and extractive. By extractive I mean we found it hard to give back to the soil as much as we were removing. It was hard to make enough compost. We were relying on outside sources more than I liked. One of those resources was water–lest I forget to mention it, we’re in the fourth...


Saturday Linkages: Loving LA and Gardening

Gardening R U pine nuts? … Mulch Addiction … Intermingling and the Aesthetics of Ecology … Heritage Agri-tourism as a Strategy for Promoting the Recovery of Heirloom Vegetables, Grains, Fruits http://garynab...


Best Practices for Gardening in Contaminated Soil

...y are phloem fed). That said, you’d have to eat a lot of contaminated root vegetables to elevate lead levels in your blood. Adding phosphorus fertilizers will decrease the bioavailability of lead. In general root vegetables uptake the most lead, leafy greens less and fruit almost none. The most conservative approach is to grow in raised beds. The main concern is for children under 5 years old. If your soil tests high in lead and you have young one...


105 GardenNerd’s Tips for Organic Gardening Success

..., who returns this week to discuss her new ebook 400 Plus Tips for Organic Gardening Success. As you might guess we touch on a lot of topics and tips including: Monarch VR CropSwap Time Banking Homestead Hamlet Repair Cafés Sandflex Epic Seeds Baker Creek Seed Savers Exchange Renee’s Garden Summer Spinach National Heirloom Expo Aunt Molly’s Ground Cherry Keeping tomatoes healthy mid-season Powdery mildew When to harvest tomatoes Extend...
