What Preparedness Lessons Did You Learn From Hurricane Sandy?

...That meant I was stranded inn Staten Island since I don’t have a car and buses weren’t running. That was a major blow for me. The next day I decided to check out this deli I always pass on my way hone because I knew they had free wifi and I saw they had a cafe level (I’ve never been in there before). Thankfully, they were open, had power, and wifi! From this I learned a few more things: 1) don’t assume power will be restored anytime soon. I shoul...


Essential System #9 – Hydration

...rostatic charges. Boiling water for at least five minutes will kill all viruses. Right now viruses in water are more of a concern in the “developing” world, but the Republicans are busy taking our municipal water supplies back to the Middle Ages. Remember that none of these methods will purify water that is contaminated with chemicals such as arsenic and other bad things lurking in our sad, concrete-channelized Los Angeles River. In a worst case s...


It’s Official: The End is Near

...al warming related natural disasters such as hurricane Katrina. On another page we find an ad for “America’s newest stars” Qatar Airway’s direct service between Washington D.C., New York and Doha. Together these stories and ads indicate a country so hooked on driving that our business and government power elites jet off to Qatar to cut deals with corrupt and homicidal oil interests while simultaneously sacrificing our agriculture to our gas tanks,...
