007 RIP Handsome, 3 Power Tools You Should Own and Hipster Compost

...st but can be a problem in worm bins) see Oregon State’s black soldier fly page. We conclude with another reader concern about contamination in compost and reccomend doing a bioassay test to see if you might have a problem. Washington State has a pdf on how to bioassay your own compost. If you want to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to rootsimple@gmail.com. The theme music is by Dr. Frankens...


DIY Portable Pizza Oven

...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1QToDg3Ow0 I just spoke with Eric Rochow of GardenFork.TV .(He’ll be our guest on the next podcast.) If you don’t know Gardenfork, you should. Eric has put together a lot of cool videos and podcasts. One of my favorite is this portable pizza oven. I’m thinking of building one for local events. For more info on Eric’s pizza oven check out his pizza oven page....


How to get free mulch

...ealthy plants, you’ve got to mulch. Mulch is not compost–they’re often confused. Mulch is the dry, carbon-rich plant matter which you apply around your trees and shrubs to retain moisture, build soil and repress weeds. It’s also a good material for walkways and open spaces in a yard. Mulch can be made of leaf litter or straw or pine needles or many other things, but one of the most common types of mulch comes in the form of shredded tree trimmings...


077 Radical Mycology

...ource Ecology and the primary author behind Radical Mycology, a nearly 700-page book on accessible mycology and mushroom cultivation. During the podcast we discuss: What are fungi? How to cultivate edible and medicinal mushrooms How to establish a mushroom bed in your garden Tempeh Peter’s cultivation how-to videos Growing mushrooms in an apartment Easy to grow mushroom: King Stropharia Source for spawn: Field and Forest Plugs Improving soil with...
