Saturday Tweets: Architectural Screw-Ups, Road Diets and Pet Dragons

..., 2018 Delightful site curates New York Times Sunday Magazine articles from 100 years ago — Root Simple (@rootsimple) January 13, 2018 If you’re an Earth scientist or other academic trying to fly less, please help shift the culture on academic flying. An easy way to start is to tell your story here: — Peter Kalmus (@ClimateHuman) January 11, 2018 The average kid can identify 1,000 corporate logos and...


Spam Poetry Sunday is the ultimate purpose of these spam comments. This one was placed on our announcement for our upcoming coffee roasting class (not a popular or highly linked post), and linked to a page for a restaurant which is obviously just a place holder, in that it has no content or history or graphic design. And who the heck is Janet?...


Saturday Tweets: A Week of Strange Links

...y the year 2020 — Xeni (@xeni) March 31, 2016 This page of the 12th-c. Bible of Stephen Harding (now digitised by @BMDijonPat), is a real medieval comic book. — Damien Kempf (@DamienKempf) March 31, 2016 #Netherlands sets guidance reducing #meat consumption to twice weekly @NatGeoFood @hdbyrne — UC Food Observer (@ucfoodobserver) March 30, 2016 An...


Natural Beekeeping Conference This Weekend!

...gust 19th, 6-9pm! There will also be “Special Interest Groups” on both days covering a wide range of topics for both beginner and advanced beekeepers (see full schedule at the bottom of this page). All who are interested in bees and beekeeping are welcomed to attend! #HLONBC Limited tickets available to this awesome weekend so REGISTER NOW! Save...
