Toilet paper in the woods: a rant and some advice

...ways to pee in the woods Carry a zip lock baggie in your pocket. Put your used toilet paper in the bag and carry it until you get to the next garbage can. It won’t smell, it’s not that gross. It’s that easy. Bury the toilet paper in a hole. This is not ideal. I’d far rather see it packed out, because it will likely get dug up or exposed. But it’s better than nothing. If you forget your baggie, this is the least you can do. Skip the toilet paper....


The Amazing Online Building Technology Heritage Library

...enjoy old building material catalogs? Get ready to cancel Netflix. The geniuses at the Association of Preservation Technology (APT) have teamed up with Internet Archive to digitize 9,500 pre-1965 construction and building technology documents for your perusal via the Building Technology Heritage Library. Enjoy strange Murphy bed contraptions? They’ve got you covered: Tiny Hawaiian kit homes: Vintage seed catalogs: Fans: Fuddy-duddy 1920s home furn...


Saturday Tweets: Bees, Fireflies and Food Waste hundreds of fireflies in my small yard filled with plants, no chemicals used. Over my next door neighbor’s fence, not a single firefly. They spray weekly for mosquitoes. Here’s how to help fireflies — Thomas Rainer (@ThomasRainerDC) June 13, 2018 “The promise of the car is a myth, and we cannot stay stuck between two worlds. It’s time to reclaim our freedom … in our everyday lives by embracing the walkable, cycling city....


The Blue Bear

...eyes are glimpses into the color palette of my childhood. In addition, he used to have bright red felt or something similar lining his ears, but that was chewed off by unknown agents long ago. Yet I still remember the brilliant contrast between the red ears and the aqua blue fur. While Blue Bear was a fixture in my bedroom growing up, I barely remember great-grandmother Caroline. Certainly I was too young to remember her giving me the bear. She l...


Saturday Tweets: OMG This is Everything

...(@rootsimple) October 14, 2017 Are you using social media or are you being used by it? — Root Simple (@rootsimple) October 14, 2017 Master the soul and science of sourdough: — Root Simple (@rootsimple) October 14, 2017 The Famous 2nd Street Tunnel! #MyCicLAvia — CicLAvia (@CicLAvia) October 8, 2017 How to treat your terrarium | James Wong pic.twitter...
