Help UC Davis with the California Backyard Poultry Census

...ension has a short survey they’d like you to fill out. The purpose of the survey is to get an estimate of how many backyard flocks are out there and, “bridge the communication gap between poultry experts and backyard poultry enthusiasts.” The survey is confidential and contact info will only be used for educational purposes. Last year I was the beneficiary of some of that education when I attended a seminar co-hosted by UC Davis Veterinary Medicin...


Planting in a Post-Wild World

...with no tall species present. Woodland/shrubland relates to the typical suburban yard where trees and shrubs mix with lawn. The forest is for those lucky enough to have land with stands of trees. Planting in Post-Wild World is not a simple how-to book. In fact, there’s nothing simple about it at all– but it is very clear. Its goals are ambitious, and while it might seem like it was written for designers, it can be used by a determined home gardene...


A Day of the Dead Altar

...oss around quietly within my own heart. Also, I live in Los Angeles, which used to belong to Mexico, and still does in many ways. Halloween is big here, and Día de Muertos (more often called Día de los Muertos, at least up here in the north, but I believe Día de Muertos is correct–although it may be one of those cases where the incorrect swallows the correct via common usage) reigns alongside of Halloween, extending the celebration over the course...


Our new front yard, part 4: a digression on the new paradigm

...h, changes to parts of the community ripple through the whole community. I used to buy plants to suit my needs. These needs came in two general categories. The first was the need to fulfill a limited function: “I need a bush over there to hide that section of fence.” The second was acquisitive lust: “That plant is beautiful. I’m going to buy it and find some place to put it.” Both of these ways of thinking are, to go back to the first simile, very...
