February 2019 Garden Update

...1998, about what to do with our yard I would say this: Be bold. Remove any trees that are in the wrong place, too big or just plain ugly. Then plant trees that either feed native wildlife (such as oak) or provide fruit. Think carefully about their placement. Do all hardscaping first and build it out of durable materials. Those retaining walls that failed in the front yard are wood and only lasted 15 years. If you don’t know what your doing hire a...


How to kill your palm tree

...s. So these are 4 good ways to try to kill your tree: Never Water It. Palm trees grow in the desert, yes, but they are oasis plants. They grow by open water, or above underground water. They are tough, but tough is not the same as invincible, and they don’t show stress as clearly as other trees do, so you may not know that it is thirsty until it is too late. If it gets no water, one day your palm may just droop over, like a spent flower, and that...


Saturday Linkages: Thanksgiving Weekend Edition

...s://t.co/snomX79T5f — Road Ecology Center (@roadecology) November 20, 2017 Trees in eastern US head west as climate changes. Breaking from the general poleward movement of many species, flowering trees take an unexpected turn. https://t.co/UVDilKTrxa pic.twitter.com/O3DRF2E6RD — Thomas Rainer (@ThomasRainerDC) November 25, 2017 @rootsimple https://t.co/zKBLnvlhZ3 — TommyBerbas (@TommyBerbas) November 21, 2017 College is so much different than high...


107 Urban Beekeeping with Terry Oxford

...ide industry How to find a nursery tree not treated with Imidacloprid City trees and treatment Terry’s bee art The Man Who Planted Trees Corruption in academia US Right To Know If you want to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to rootsimple@gmail.com. You can subscribe to our podcast in the iTunes store and on Stitcher. The theme music is by Dr. Frankenstein. Additional music by Rho. A download...


How to Garden With California Natives: Lessons from the 2016 Theodore Payne Garden Tour

...o establish those new plantings. And we should continue to irrigate mature trees. OK, enough with the rant. One of the great benefits of garden tours like the one Kelly and I went on this past weekend, sponsored by the Theodore Payne Foundation, is that they give examples to imitate for people like us who can’t afford the services of landscape architects. Perhaps most importantly, they show how a coastal California landscape can be lush without us...
