Ladies of Manure 2013 Calendar

...ver, now that I think about it. Sorry.) As teachers, we spend a lot of our time trying to convince people to mulch and compost. Return it all to the earth, people! We’re particularly fond of throwing down the humanure* gauntlet, partially because it really is a very important subject, and partially for the shock factor and the giggles. Some audiences are primed for this challenge. For others, it’s the first time they’ve ever heard of the concept,...


DIY Christmas Trees

...sent me into an internet rabbit hole, wherein I procrastinated for a long time by reading about homemade Christmas-tree-like-structures. Two favorites: 1) The Mountain Dew Christmas tree. On one hand, I’m appalled to think that somebody actually drank that much soda. On the other hand, the structure is really nice and it looks pretty all lit up: 2) And the hardback book tree, made out of a cut-up book. The cool thing about this one is that the co...


How To Roast Coffee in a Hot Air Popcorn Popper

...One of these days I’ll find a local source for green beans, but until that time I’m very happy with Sweet Maria’s. 2. I roast a couple of days supply of coffee maybe twice a week. I do it with a West Bend Air Crazy popcorn popper. Note that not all hot air poppers will work. Sweet Maria’s has a complete list of the right kind of hot air poppers here. One drawback is that you can only roast a small amount at a time–no more than a half cup. It takes...


The Squirrel Menace

...does not harm grays but can devastate reds. (Reports indicate, though, that the reds are developing resistance.)” Two tangents here: 1. Please note the dapper gamekeeper photographed for the story. Here at Homegrown Evolution we think it’s about time the work clothes with tie look, such as this gamekeeper’s traditional hunting attire, makes a comeback. No more walking around in pajamas! 2. We’ve got another excuse to replay this old video: Thanks...
