Saturday Tweets: Rainy Day Tweets

...ut passengers (betwn drop-off & next pickup) — more than yellow cabs. Dead time leads to the large increases in VMT that Alejandro also found. — Bruce Schaller (@Bruce_Schaller) December 7, 2018 Advent calendar: Day 6 — 70s Dinner Party (@70s_party) December 6, 2018 Cross inscribed stone from Temple Brecan, Inishmore, the Aran Islands. It contains an Irish inscription which reads 'pray for Bra...


Root Simple: 2015 in Review

...that I could do more how-to posts, but the fact is that they are the most time consuming. We did manage to do a few good ones: Stuff you Learn When the Power Goes Out (with El Niño storms approaching, it’s time to review this one), Restoring a Built-In Ironing Board, Three Things I’ve Learned from Baking Bread with Whole Grain and How to Make Hot Sauce. Podcast Comments Due to the nature of the medium it’s difficult for me to gauge the reaction o...


On Moldy Jam

...especially when fruits are low in pectin, since the added 5-minute process time may cause weak gels. One additional tip: remove the rings once you’re done canning. Jam that leaks out during processing can creep under the ring and go moldy. The rings are just for processing and transport. Once the jars are on the shelf you don’t need them. Initially, the restaurant in this scandal took to Instagram to defend themselves offering the excuse that thei...


Our Radioactive Cat

...leged to have lived with this feline in all his ups and downs and when the time came to make the decision on this treatment I didn’t think about it long. We’re fortunate to be able to afford it and I felt an obligation to make whatever time we have left with him as comfortable as possible. Until this absence this week, I didn’t fully realize what a presence he is, the way he bosses the dog, the other cat and even us around. The house is haunted by...
