Maplewoodshop: Saving Shop Class In U.S. schools shop class has been sacrificed to the Moloch of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). Ninety percent of shop classes have been eliminated with the exception of a few robotics programs. The result, ironically, is STEM graduates so out of touch with the physical world that they design things impossible to build. Image: Maplewoodworking Maplewoodshop seeks to r...


Saturday Tweets: Vive la Revolution!

...ized, and how it causes damage at the highest policy levels. (For shame @nytimes) — Peter Kalmus (@ClimateHuman) August 9, 2018 A siege. A bomb. 48 dogs. And the black commune that would not surrender — Root Simple (@rootsimple) August 6, 2018 I’ve been sounding this alarm for a while: horticulture is in decline worldwide because young people are not filling positions of previous generations. This co...


The Return of the Apron?

...s and pencils. A quick perusal of the interwebs will show you that, at one time, all of the trades had their own aprons. In addition to safety and tool holstering, aprons are from a time before the cheap, disposable clothes we now wear. The decline of the apron could also be about our modern world’s distaste for visible signs of physical labor. We’re all supposed to be spending our days in front of glowing screens. Speaking of which, I’ve got to g...


Do I Need Books? well as some new ebooks that the library makes available for free. Sometimes one’s personal library can devolve into a kind of virtue signaling, a way to seem smart when visitors drop by. In my case it’s definitely time for a book winnowing and, yes, I will still have a bookshelf populated with books I use for reference. Kelly has her own books and shelf. Of course books have a tendency to accumulate and I have no doubt that I will have to go...


Stickley’s #603 Taboret

...’s #603 Tabouret is not really complex, it has occupied way too much of my time in the past two weeks and I haven’t even gotten to all the possible confusing finishing options. By way of excuse let me suggest that with screen time averaging 10 hours a day for the average American, perhaps 2018 is the year we all might consider taking up a few arcane, overly complex and silly projects. It could be sewing, gardening or any other activity that takes...
