Siphon Your Bathwater siphoning devices available in hardware and auto parts stores made for siphoning gas, but SuviveLA has not tested them yet. If siphoning is too much effort for ya, it’s time to move on to more permanent solutions involving rerouting your plumbing that we’ll get into in subsequent posts....


Homesteading Disasters: The Skunk Menace

...king a big bite out of our house payments.* The moral here: you gotta make time to fence off the veggies. For us that means hoops with bird netting carefully stretched out and held down by bricks. There’s no easy way out short of hiring 24 hour guards (off duty conquistadors perhaps?) And let’s not even talk about the deer menace (which, thankfully, we don’t have)! Deer harassed readers are welcome to share their horror stories in the comments. Mo...
