Saturday Linkages: Modem Sounds, HOAs, and Hand Counting — Root Simple (@rootsimple) September 9, 2016 5 Make-Shift Urban Survival Lights When the Electricity Goes Down via @sharethis — Root Simple (@rootsimple) September 5, 2016 Well said, Carol! It's 90 degrees in the shade — have you watered that tree? #drought #LANHM #ilovetrees — Root Simple (@rootsimple) September 2, 2016 New #DIY video, how to install a french drain


The Great Beekeeping Debate

...untry is a different question than how to keep a few hives in a biodiverse urban area. To be fair, the first question is essential since it’s how we currently keep everyone fed. But much of the advice given to large scale beekeepers does not always apply to small scale backyard beekeepers. The hubris can go both ways. Those of us on the natural beekeeping side can also think we understand the whole better than we do. We can fall into the same redu...


Saturday Tweets: DIY Kayaks, Maps and Dragon Anatomy

...ican #Architecture Profession for your foresight and contributions to the #urban form in the USA! — Erik Griswold (@erik_griswold) July 30, 2016 Dragon anatomy for beginners. Yes, you did read that correctly. — Medieval Manuscripts (@BLMedieval) July 30, 2016 Good Night Heidelberg, Cod. Pal. Germ. 466 — Damien Kempf (@DamienKempf) July 30, 2016...


Saturday Linkages: Late Sunday Edition

...Kohlstedt) March 30, 2021 The ancient fabric that no one knows how to make Urban Fish Ponds: Low-tech Sewage Treatment for Towns and Cities Anywhere but Here: Ponte Tower More than 5,000 people attend illegal party at Tonto national forest in Arizona Weird Zillow listing of the week An internet mystery: someone built a copy of the Borgund Stave Church in Connecticut and the craftspeople weren’t happy with “bossman” Why This Historically Black Clin...


Saturday Tweets: Coffee, Bees and Bog Butter

...@rootsimple) June 17, 2016 A 67-Mile Hiking Trail Just Opened Through LA’s Urban Mountains — Root Simple (@rootsimple) June 18, 2016 Building a #garden wash station #gardening — Tenth Acre Farm (@tenthacrefarm) June 18, 2016 Giant 2,000-year-old hunk of bog butter just found – and it’s still edible — Root Simple (@rootsimple) June 13, 2016 Solid reclaimed Wood Chair https://t....
