
...ngs in the holes. 6 weeks after sowing you can eat the lettuce. First as a baby lettuce mix, later in its more mature leafing form. Pull out entire plants to make space, so things don’t get too crowded. Continue this way until the soil warms up. As you eliminate lettuce plants, begin to put bush beans in their place. The dill and calendula will start coming into their own, and the early cabbages. The beans will be ready by midsummer, and the parsn...


Saturday Tweets: Tweeterdämmerung

...and loss. — Richard D. Wolff (@profwolff) June 14, 2019 Decorate the ham, baby pic.twitter.com/DQ7kohx7Xx — 70s Dinner Party (@70s_party) June 14, 2019 We painted red bus-only lanes in popular transit corridors so that @Uber and @lyft would have a colorful location to drop off and pickup their rides. pic.twitter.com/eo8jd2LFxM — Militant Pedestrian (@transbay) June 28, 2019 On the Pleasures and Sorrows of Life Without Screens: https://t.co/OMqN8s...


Cactus Thief Strikes Again

...dered another extreme strategy: shower the cactus thief with free flats of baby cacti. The latter strategy could even lead to the first ever Root Simple Upworthy style clickbait headline, “Thief Steals Cactus and the Thorny Response Will Have You in Tears.” Stoic philosopher Epictetus set me straight on what I should really do. He says, “Stop admiring your clothes and you are not angry at the man who steals them . . . our losses and our pains have...


Babylon Ain’t Falling

...thy. It leads to paranoia and the feeling that a civil war in the Heart of Babylon is imminent. Whatever happens in the next week it’s not time to make brunch reservations. In this election we face a choice between a kind of incompetent proto-fascism (real fascists would organize the buses better at their rallies) and neoliberalism. Proto-fascism is worse but neoliberalism sows the seeds of fascism by worsening conditions for working class and mid...


Adopt an Indigo Plant in Los Angeles

...hang in a prominent place in your home, lest you forget about your little baby! There are a limited number of seedlings available. Please reserve yours by filling out the form below. For those of you not able to pick up a seedling here in Los Angeles, I am willing to experiment with shipping them directly to you in the mail for the cost of postage. I have zero real world experience with this but have been reading up on the process and believe tha...
