How to Homestead

...ead videos to stream or download. No longer relegated to the rural sphere, homesteading can be done anywhere and we are here to show you how.” With many homesteading activities, from chicken slaughtering to tortellini making, internet based video is a useful resource when you don’t have a friend or relative to show you a skill first hand. Kudos to the How to Homesteaders and we look forward to future episodes on this nicely designed site. To celeb...


Saturday Linkages: Dig that Passive Solar Birdbath!

Passive solar birdbath. Image: Passive solar birdbath: A Veteran Gets Criminal Treatment and Censored over Chickens Termite Ventilation – Natural Airconditioning Rhone Street Gardens: 2013…Looking Back One-minute doc on a man’s love for thrifted sweaters –


004 Egg Ethics, Solar Food Dryers and a Question about Earth Ovens and Erik discuss the tricky ethics of eggs and mayonnaise, what kind of solar food dryer is the best and we answer a question from Ed about earth ovens. Plans for the Appalachian Solar Food Dryer can be found in an article on Mother Earth News. We have a detailed post on how we built our adobe oven here. If you want to leave a question you can call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to The theme music is by Dr. Frankenstein....


Saturday Linkages: The Calm After the Storm … Build-It-Solar Blog: Large DIY Solar Space and Water Heating System in … … Primitive Skills Roland Trevino of Altadena Makes and Uses the Ancient Atlatl: Gardening What to do with storm damaged trees: …...


Steal this Book!! Blog, twitter, friend, digg and yell! From the press release: The Urban Homestead is the essential handbook for a burgeoning new movement: urbanites are becoming farmers. By growing their own food and harnessing natural energy, city dwellers are reconnecting with their land while planting seeds for the future for our cities. Whether you’d like to harvest your own vegetables, keep heirloom chickens, or become more energy independent, this...
