Bread and Roses

...opinion, is that at some times of the year the leaves are just frankly, uninteresting. As I noted I’m no rose expert, so I’d appreciate your opinions about ways to make our roses more healthy and vigorous. The soil they are planted in leaves a lot to be desired and I’m very confused about watering needs. I’m also open to suggestions from readers about interesting rose varieties either climbing or bush....


O79 Growing and Breeding Tomatoes with Fred Hempel an eight year old. We also talk about how to water tomatoes and prepare soil. During the podcast Fred mentions: Dumont #4 tweezers And two tomatoes bred by Fred that you can get seeds for: Blush Tomato Orange Jazz tomato I’ve had the pleasure of tasting these tomatoes at a lecture Fred does at the Heirloom Expo in Santa Rosa and they are really amazing. Fred’s website are: Artisan Seeds and Artisan Seeds in Facebook and Baia Nicchia Farm. If yo...


Saturday Linkages: Squirrels, Sharks and Nudists

...Bites Google Fiber Optic Cables Undersea Ammo can power supply Building a Soil Sifter / Rotary Trommel I just interviewed the untaggable Dave Eggers, who told me he: *Lives without WiFi or a smartphone *Writes on a 14-year-old laptop with no internet connection *Checks his email once, daily, from the library …and now I have new life goals. — Brian EdwardsTiekert (@bedwardstiek) December 3, 2019 The morning after a party


Our new front yard, part 4: a digression on the new paradigm

...I cast blame around, against myself for being a poor gardener, against the soil, against the drought, against the nursery which sold the plant, against the plant itself. In all cases, though, I’m considering the plant as an isolated individual, and I’m evaluating its success or failure in myopic terms. Now, I’m not a botanist or any other kind of “ist” and I sometimes I suspect all I know about plants would fit in a thimble. Yet I don’t think that...
