Saturday Tweets: Bikes, Soil Bacteria and Low Fat Diets

...— Root Simple (@rootsimple) January 8, 2015 Fascinating article about how soil bacteria has led to the first new antibiotics in 30 years: #SoilTalk — Thomas Rainer (@ThomasRainerDC) January 7, 2015 Are low fat diets “mass murder”? — Root Simple (@rootsimple) January 4, 2015 Can You Imagine a City Where Trees and Swing Sets Matter More Than Cars? @yesmagazine


The Manzanita Miracle, or, why you should love native plants if you live in a dry climate

...tegorized a low water use plants. The location was in Los Angeles, and the soil type was a sandy clay. Using this information, we were able to calculate how much water the soil held, and how much the plant used daily, leading us to figure out how long this particular plant can go between waterings–safely. Not pushing it to the edge of death, you understand, just calculating its normal water needs. This figure is called the “irrigation interval” an...


Talk and Vermicomposting Workshop With Nance Klehm Sunday March 8th!

...tion between soil health and social justice, and the importance of healthy soil in troubled times. “Soil is both decomposition engine and support network for all living things. It is the living sponge that filters our water and air, thereby cleaning them both. It stabilizes our constructions, prevents flooding, protects our landscapes against drought, and ensures the health of our food, water and air. Soil is not a thing. It is a web of relationsh...


136 Garden Fundamentals with Robert Pavlis

...e podcast we talk about: Soil science for home gardeners The problems with soil tests Soil prep for native plants Fungi inoculation products How to open up compacted soil Sources for organic material Ugh, landscape fabric Cardboard in the garden Hügelkultur Winter sowing Baggie technique LED lights How to water houseplants You can find Robert at:, on YouTube and via the Garden Fundamentals Facebook Group. Als...
