Saturday Linkages: New Format!

...structure by David A. Banks Spritz Cookie Gravestone Man Spends 30 Years Regenerating NZ Farmland into Amazing Forest Democrats’ Climate Plans Lack Vision for City Transit Study Finds Urban Runoff Is a Toxic Soup Containing Dozens of Pesticides and Other Industrial Chemicals The shady politics of urban greening Surprise dip!...


Let’s Pedal Together in this New Year

...lane. A journalist called me on Tuesday to interview me for an article on urban homesteading in a pandemic. She asked me what I thought of as the most important activity in the homesteading tool basket. I said that it’s not growing vegetables or canning things it’s getting to know your neighbors and forming communities of mutual support. I am very thankful that our neighbor Jennie, several years ago, started a monthly neighborhood happy hour. Whe...


3 Mules Update

...pearing. More and more cars are filling up the roadways, and the expanding urban infrastructure seems to serve only one purpose: accommodate more automobiles. His words resonate with me, and I realize then and there that I am about to embark on a filmmaking journey like none I have ever experienced. Now, five years later, my journey is far from over. In 200 days of filming over a 27-month period, I shot 300 hours of footage. A ten-minute short fil...


24/7: Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep

...from reclining on them. The pervasive but social disregarded phenomenon of urban homelessness entails many deprivations, yet few are more acute than the hazards and insecurities of unsheltered sleep. Where do we go from here? The book was written almost 10 years ago in 2013, but the only thing that dates this book is Crary’s attack on blogging which he calls a “one-way model of auto-chattering in which the possibility of ever having to wait and li...


Attractive Ornamental Flowering Trees

...petiginosa (pink trumpet tree) A tough and beautiful tree that’s great for urban locations. Tabebuia chrysotricha Of all the trees Dr. Turney showed, I think this one was my favorite. The yellow flowers really pop out against a blue sky. Brachychiton acerifolius (Australian Flame Tree) Speaking of popping out, red flowers are also really dramatic. Chionanthus retusus Another good urban tree. To these suggestions I’d add one of my own that also pro...
