Fashion on the Homestead

...lmost always, has a smile on his face and a cat nearby. Now I can’t cop Jodorowsky’s style. While Jodorowsky is reading tarot cards at a Parisian cafe I’m cleaning out a chicken coop. But the point of what he’s saying is that something of your true self must express itself sincerely through your clothes. Know thyself, in other words, and what to wear will be obvious. Does that mean a chicken coop casual Fridays? And for part two of this post I nee...


054 Digital Design Tools on the Homestead

...led (CNC) technology John’s Cat Bed 7 (pictured above) Using pen and paper Making physical models Architectural scale and rulers Cinema 4-D Sketchup (a free and simple 3-D tool) Rhino Adobe Illustrator Thingiverse 3-D Printing Low-tech CNC using just a video projector and your computer MoI Moment of Inspiration How to learn good design If you want to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to rootsi...


How to Design and Fabricate Homestead Projects

...Brain. Once you go through that you’re ready for a fun book I’m currently making my way through called Sketching for Architecture + Interior Design. Modeling Lastly it’s time to get those ideas in the free version of the 3d program Sketchup. You can learn Sketchup in an evening or two and it has really helped separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to my many bad ideas. With Sketchup you can rotate the object and really see if it works ae...


Acedia Part II: An Internet of Narcissism

...ur time, but rather the Freudian idea which, to oversimplify a bit, is not self-love but, rather, love of the image of oneself as seen by others. Lasch’s Freudian understanding of narcissism aligns closely with the social media selves we curate for others to view. Lasch notes that narcissism, by this definition, leads to an infantilization, “The point of the story is not that Narcissus falls in love with himself but, since he fails to recognize hi...
