What are trees worth?

...self in books–to just shut down. But I seem to have run into the limits of self-pity, and now I’m trying to figure out what I can do to help the situation. This post is a small gesture in that direction. I’m beginning with trees, because they are the lynchpin of the loving landscape. In defense of trees Shrubs and annuals come and go. Trees are long term residents of the landscape, surveyors of our lives. Above and below ground they knit together...


Saturday Tweets: Hello 2019

...the plants like to take a break. During their fall/winter dormant period, watering should be reduced… – See more at: https://t.co/ittkS9W3d1 — World of Succulents (@SucculentWorld) January 2, 2019 Unsurprisingly self-driving cars are not as easy to make as boosters said 2 years ago. Also, looks like they’ll be used to automate and deskill the heavily unionized transportation sector: https://t.co/cCYUu2POXy v — david a banks (@DA_Banks) January 5,...


Cargo Bike Roundup

...bike equivalent of the sturdy old Frau behind the bar at our local German watering hole, the Red Lion. This is Utility with a capital U. Sadly, Mr. Homegrown Evolution has forgotten every word of his college German, so all we can make out is that this bike represents the Grüne Liga, some sort of environmental organization. Don’t know if this trike is an ad, or if the Grüne Liga uses it to distribute literature or environmentally correct currywurs...


Rain Barrels

...nd very large and expensive tanks. We don’t want to discourage anyone from making an attempt at it, but for most urban homesteaders it won’t be economical or practical given the space requirements and weight of thousands of gallons of stored water. Thankfully, there are simpler strategies for harvesting rainwater. Rainwater used for irrigating plants does not need filtering or purification, and since outdoor watering accounts for the number one ho...


043 Growing Vegetables with Yvonne Savio

...vegetables. How to harvest vegetables. How to prepare a vegetable garden. Making compost. The problems with municipal compost. Raised beds vs. growing in the ground. Where to buy soil. Testing soil. How to irrigate vegetables in a drought. Buried buckets for watering vegetables. Seeds vs. seedlings. Succession planting. How to plant seedlings. The website and calendar that Yvonne is putting together. Grow LA Victory Garden Program You can reach Y...
