Help! Small birds are eating us out of house and home!

...r type of feeder, which is enclosed in a fine mesh, and meant to hold tiny seeds, like thistle seeds. This sort of feeder attracts small, seed-eating song birds, like finches, but doesn’t feed the mice and rats and squirrels.* What could possibly go wrong? We installed the feeder about a month ago, and were delighted to see house finches and tiny lesser goldfinches come to visit. (So were our indoor kitties, I might add!) And then more lesser gold...


Going to Seed

...ey love our overgrown, browning beds, because of course they’re eating the seeds or the bugs on the ripening plants. They would not, however, allow me to take any pictures of them doing these things. They love all the weedy places, the vacant lots and over grown side yards. Those places are full of flashing wings and trilling songs. It’s already a seed time of year here in LA on our fast moving calendar, and I’m watching the birds feast. I love wa...


Least Favorite Plant: Bidens

...ack jack, burr marigolds, cobbler’s pegs, Spanish needles, stickseeds, tickseeds and tickseed sunflowers.” Those popular names should give some clues as to the plant’s behavior. Brush up against it and this happens: It turns out that nature has brilliantly designed these seeds to hitch a ride on mammals. Just touch or lightly brush up against the seed pods, which resemble mid-century chandeliers, and you’ll be picking out seeds for the next hour....


The Root Simple 2016 Holiday Gift Guide

...d sailors spend a lot of their time sewing special cat hammocks. Vegetable Seeds Who should you trust with your vegetable varieties? How about our friends the Italians? They know a few things about tasty vegetables. My favorite source for years has been Franchi, a family owned company that dates back to the 18th century. Franchi’s American importer is Seeds From Italy. But wait, what about climate change and drought for those of us in the arid Sou...


Saturday Tweets: Subterranean Heating Systems, Achocha, Tree Beekeeping and Valentine’s Day Cocktails

.../ — Root Simple (@rootsimple) February 11, 2017 How long do seeds stay viable? Are those seeds still good? Find out here – #gardenchat — Teresa O’Connor (@SeasonalWisdom) February 5, 2017 Up-cycled license plate coat racks: — Root Simple (@rootsimple) February 11, 2017 On not becoming a tool of a digital tool: — Root Simple (@rootsimpl...
