My Big Fat Greek Squash

...ry time I visit my mom, her Greek neighbor pops over the fence to offer me seeds and plants. He visits Greece each summer and comes back with seeds for plants whose names he can’t translate into English. As a result I always have a few mystery Greek vegetables growing in the garden. This spring he gave me a squash seedling he had propagated. It grew into a massive vine and produced two winter squashes whose weight exceeded the capacity of my kitch...


Newspaper Seed Starting Pots

...We started our summer herb and vegetable seeds yesterday using the method in this video. It’s labor intensive but it beats having to buy pots. Happy planting . . . UPDATE: We had some problems with these and have shifted back to old plastic pots for starting seeds. Read more here....


In August, Way Too Much Squash an “All-America Selection” in 1938 (AAS is kind of like a dog show for seeds run by the National Garden Bureau). We grew our EPS from Botanical Interests seeds we got at our local nusery. Our EPS squash has lived up to its name, having grown rapidly, producing tasty summer squash with a zucchini-like flavor and consistency. Unfortunately, all squash that we have grown here has been subject to powdery mildew, a white fungus that spreads rapidly...
