Organic Seed Growers Webinar

...: John Navazio, Organic Seed Alliance; Jodi Lew-Smith, High Mowing Organic Seeds; Jim Myers, Oregon State University; Zea Sonnabend, CCOF and National Organic Standards Board Saturday, February 1, 2014 1:30-3:00PM: Pollinator Conservation Strategies for Organic Seed Producers This session will support organic seed producers with the latest science-based information on maximizing crop yields through the conservation of native pollinators, while at...


Coffee and Tahini Date Balls

...nd cacao nibs, ground chocolate, cocoa powder, toasted sesame seeds, poppy seeds, ground nuts of all sorts, coconut flakes…and anywhere else your pantry leads you. Simply throw the dates and the tahini in a food processor and blend until a paste of some sort forms. Now, dates vary in size quite a bit, but I think it’s pretty safe to hold to these numbers (12 dates: 2 Tbsp tahini) no matter what size your dates. There’s a lot of flexibility in this...


O79 Growing and Breeding Tomatoes with Fred Hempel mentions: Dumont #4 tweezers And two tomatoes bred by Fred that you can get seeds for: Blush Tomato Orange Jazz tomato I’ve had the pleasure of tasting these tomatoes at a lecture Fred does at the Heirloom Expo in Santa Rosa and they are really amazing. Fred’s website are: Artisan Seeds and Artisan Seeds in Facebook and Baia Nicchia Farm. If you want to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to...


Our Daily Bread: Sonora Sesame Za’atar Bread

...10 g sourdough starter In a separate container soak 90 g of toasted sesame seeds in water. In the morning mix together: 509 g Sonora wheat (or any whole wheat) 403 g 80º F water 13 g sea salt pre-ferment sesame seeds 3 T za’atar 1. Mix the dough until all signs of dry flour disappear. While you’re mixing the dough heat a mason jar of water in your microwave. Place your mixed dough in the microwave to proof for a few hours. Stretch and fold the dou...


A Simple and Life Changing Bagel Recipe

...ot and boil for 45 seconds. Flip halfway through boiling. If you’re adding seeds let the boiled bagels cool on a rack for a few minutes and dredge them through a plate with your sesame, poppy or other seeds. 6. Placed the boiled bagels on a baking sheet and bake for around 15 minutes at 500ºF (260ºC). Shoot for a light golden brown. If you have a large mixer you can double this recipe to make a dozen bagels. Deep Bagel Thoughts Why did it take me...
