Thursday Linkages: Mason Bees, Hawks and Robot Cars

Image: BoingBoing For some reason I neglected to publish last Saturday’s gaggle o’ links. Here is a belated version: Build Your Own Mason Bee House … Swiss Restaurant Imposes Fine on Customers Wasting Food … via @ibtimesindia1 #foodcrisis Hawks and Rats in NYC, on camera:


Easter Lessons on naturally dyed Easter eggs, I decided to have a go at dyeing eggs on Saturday night. The eggs our ladies deliver are all shades of beige to brown, so I worried that they’d not take dye as well as white eggs, but the post promised good results with brown eggs, and the dyes were deep and earthy enough that it seemed it would not matter. The technique was simple–a one to one ratio of organic matter to water, boiled 15 minutes or more, cooled, a...


Permaculture Design Course at the Ecology Center in San Juan Capistrano

...cation head over here. Course Organization: March 29 – June 19 Every other Saturday/Sunday from 10am – 4pm. 10am-11am – Design charrette 11am-noon – Lecture noon-1pm – Lunch break 1pm-4pm – Hands-on workshop/demo Schedule will vary on days with off-site engagement Course Objectives: The intention of this course is that each apprentice will graduate as an eco-advocate who can better design human settlement. This course will shape how we think about...


A Lecture on the Connection Between Cats and Grain

If not for cats would we have bread? On Saturday June 4th at 2 p.m. at the Los Angeles Bread Festival at Grand Central Market I’m going to deliver a talk on the connection between cats and grain. The connection is a basic one: store grain and you get vermin. Then you need cats. But, in the course of preparing for this lecture, I discovered that the commonly held narrative of cat domestication is an unsubstantiated fiction. That narrative goes som...


Make Pizza in Your Oven

...n Fork and I seem to exist in some sort of synchronicity vortex. This past Saturday, after I finished teaching a bread class in which I used the same dough to demonstrate how you can make pizza in your oven with a cast iron skillet, I settled down on the couch to catch up with Eric’s YouTube channel. And guess what he was demonstrating? I first learned about this technique from Josey Baker. Basically, you start the pizza out on the stove top and f...
