Saturday Tweets: Better Late Than Never, the ruins at Luxor, ca. 1830] — Irène DB (@UrbanFoxxxx) February 2, 2019 There's a $200 million abandoned village of Disney-like castles in Turkey. Take a look inside. via @businessinsider — Root Simple (@rootsimple) February 9, 2019 Hey @ericgarcetti and @MitchOFarrell you've got some work to do . . . — Root Simple (@rootsimple) February 8, 2019 Deadline Detro...


Saturday Tweets: A Flying Shame

Recycling = Garbage 2.0. We have to stop manufacturing such crap as single use plastic in the first place. — Peter Kalmus (@ClimateHuman) February 22, 2019 I was all right for a while I could smile for a while — 70s Dinner Party (@70s_party) February 22, 2019 'You didn't vote for me': Senator Dianne Feinstein responds to young green activists — Root Simple (@roo...


Ridin’ On force our cities and police departments to make cycling safer. It’s an urban homesteader’s duty to be involved with our communities and a big part of that duty is making our cities more bikable. What a tragedy it is to see people who drive to a gym so that they can ride a stationary bicycle! Unfortunately, the City of Los Angeles does not take cycling seriously. Senator Barbara Boxer speaking at the Mobility 21 summit in Los Angeles last month...


How to Keep Skunks Out of the Yard

...Skunk Habitat In the wild skunks dig dens or live in hollowed out logs. In urban areas they like to take up residence in crawl spaces and under decks. (Design tip: avoid creating skunk habitat in the first place by making sure these types of spaces are not accessible.) I suspect that there may be a skunk or two living under our back shed. This shed is as old as the house (almost 100 years) and can’t be skunk proofed on all sides due to its setting...


Nance Klemn is in Los Angeles and She’s Teaching Classes! the park below to make tinctures using vinegar, alcohol, and glycerin. Making tinctures is easy and preserves the essences of the plants for use as food and medicine. Plants have much to give us and so does Nance — you will go home with vinegar mother to make your own vinegars, and several tinctures. Cost is $45 and space is limited to 15 participants, so put it on your calendar and RSVP now! I will send out directions and address for mailing...
