Saturday Tweets: Rocket Stoves, Cheese Museums and a Round Earth

The Watchman rocket stove: — Root Simple (@rootsimple) May 26, 2018 Imsil Cheese Theme Park @atlasobscura — Root Simple (@rootsimple) May 26, 2018 9 years post sowing the Tonbridge prairie is becoming extraordinary, Baptisia australis var. minor is first to flower in May. James Hitchmough and Tom Stuart Smith Design, Joe Ransley management — James Hitchmough (@HitchmoughJa...


Choral Evensong This Saturday March 16th at 5pm

The Choir of St. John’s Cathedral will present Solemn Choral Evensong for the season of Lent, featuring music by Buonemani, Howells, Bridge, and Ešenvalds. The Rev. Michael S. Bell, Chaplain to Good Samaritan Hospital, will be the guest homilist. There will be complimentary valet parking starting at 4:30pm, and a warm reception following the service. All are welcome. Historic St. John’s Cathedral is located at 514 West Adams Boulevard in Los Ange...


Saturday Tweets: Too Many Links

...n Your Yard — Thomas Rainer (@ThomasRainerDC) April 11, 2019 — Cursed Architecture (@CursedArchitect) April 16, 2019 College admissions scandal is mere tip of iceberg. One of many ways that the richest perpetuate their wealth despite tax & inheritance laws, & other reforms. Because capitalism produces an inequality that perpetuates itself, we need system change. — Richard D...


Saturday Tweets: Halloween Edition

Just How Much Food Do Cities Squander? via @WIRED — Root Simple (@rootsimple) October 27, 2017 When drivers start going on about a "War on Cars," remind them that cars in the city are a war on our children.#obesity #crashes #pollution — Taras Grescoe (@grescoe) October 24, 2017 Pictures Reveal Life Inside Tiny Futuristic Cubes via @NatGeoPhotos — Root Simple (@rootsimple)...


Saturday Linkages: A Difficult Week

Quar activity: drafting. Cornell West: The system cannot reform itself COVID-19 and Circuits of Capital Holding the Vision: Collecting the Art of the Book in the Industrial North West (museum exhibit in a series of blog posts) Mystery as 60 peculiar cubes with inscriptions pulled from Coventry river Thermoelectric Stoves: Ditch the Solar Panels? The Complete Guide to Creating Your Personal Makerspace (Via Eric of Garden Fork) Infectious Bronchiti...
