Free Biodynamic Composting Seminar in LA on November 16th

...about composting from a master of the art–for free! We’ll be there. Date: Saturday, November 16th (rain or shine) Time: 10 AM – 1 PM Location: The Pico-La Brea area. You’ll get the exact address when you RSVP. RSVP to Rayna: And here’s the details: Learn the Secrets of BioDynamic Composting from Jack McAndrews Recognized as one of America’s leading experts on biodynamic organic agriculture, Jack’s biodynamic composts have been t...


Live Like a Stoic for a Week 2013. The week-long experiment will culminate with a public workshop on Saturday 30 November at Birkbeck, University of London exploring Stoicism for Everyday Life. The ancient Stoic writers Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius offered a wide range of practical advice and guidance on how to live well and many of the founding figures of modern cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) acknowledged the influence of Stoic philosophy. Stoic Week will put...


Pumpkin Spice Pandemic

...ns and unemployment. Rather than the usual roundup of links that I post on Saturday I thought I’d put up just a few, three serious and one a lark. They all need a brief introduction. This first link is an interview with two Harvard epidemiologists Katherine Yih and Martin Kulldorf, “We Need a Radically Different Approach to the Pandemic and Our Economy as a Whole.” If you’d like to dig deeper in this particular pandemic hot take there’s another in...
