Saturday Tweets: Eating Crickets and Making Coffee

Cricket: It's what's for dinner? — Modern Farmer (@ModFarm) October 14, 2015 Neonics severely affecting queen bees, according to new research. Via @keatleygarvey — UCUrbanAg (@UCUrbanAg) October 16, 2015 Banana Spook Cake – A Vintage Halloween Recipe Re-Run — Root Simple (@rootsimple) October 15, 2015 Top 33 Coffee Projects


Saturday Tweets: Passover/Holy Saturday Edition

Set in the northernmost reaches of the Taklimakan Desert, this oasis-village is an often hostile place to inhabit. Yet despite the harsh environment, a culture rich with fascinating architecture and agriculture continues to thrive — Atlas Obscura (@atlasobscura) March 31, 2018 "Bicycles [unlike cars] let people become masters of their own movements without blocking those of their fellows." —Ivan Illich


Saturday Tweets That Should Have Been Posted on Saturday but Are, Instead, Posted on Sunday Evening Because I Was at a Met Opera Telecast (Dialogues of the Carmelites) Followed by a Wedding and Was Too Tired by the End of the Day to Sit at a Computer and Come up with Clever Titles

This. Is. The. Best. — Tom Furtwangler (@tomfurt) May 7, 2019 Idea: All U.S. cities should pledge to protect their bike lanes. By the start of this summer. #RedCupProject #SummerLanes — Alissa Walker (@awalkerinLA) May 10, 2019 Automobile, defined: absolutely the least efficient use of space for moving people in a city.#transit #bicycles #walkable #urbanism — Taras Grescoe...


A Homemade Mattress?

...the wool. It took her about 6 hours to fill the mattress. 3) Here is a webpage, in French, showing the mattress making process. Lots of useful pictures. I have to run it through Google Translate for more clues. 4) Do not fall for the eHow result if you search for how to make a wool mattress. It gets off to a great start by recommending you use glue, rather than stitching, to construct your mattress tick . (They call the tick a “fabric sheet pouch...
