Weekend Linkages: Happiness is $5.99

...How to have a Great-Looking Native Plant Garden There’s a run on horse pills and it ain’t about horses Looking back on #Jamgate The art of dump picking Riotlandia: Why Portland has become an epicenter for far right violence The Carbon Footprint Sham The strange world of grammar conspiracies A very groovy 1972 art history lesson from John Berger...


Weekend Linkages: Let’s Get Tetrahedral

...Alexander Graham Bell’s Tetrahedral Kites (1903–9) Dystopian On Trial: Alice Coleman’s Architectural Determinism HGTV Personality Tarek El Moussa Denies He’s Evicting North Hollywood Tenants To Build New Complex Gym shorts and a leotard: subway rider’s bonkers looks divide TikTok Hungry Summer Ghosts...


Weekend Linkages: Pyramids, Strange Houses and F-ing Gourds

...Orange free peaches, painted by Elsie E. Lower, 1910. Via @pomological. A stepped pyramid in the desert Where did SARS-CoV-2 come from? People are still taking that horse medication That time someone tried to set up a Vietnam war theme park (a podcast) Strangest Zillow listing ever The Diapers.com Guy Wants to Build a Utopian Megalopolis F-ing gourd season Can We Live Without Twitter?...
