Weekend Linkages: Not Enough Trains

...A mini Red Car at L.A. Train fest Plant-based meat once seemed unstoppable. What went wrong? Can We Make Bicycles Sustainable Again? Pruitt-Igoe residents exposed to government testing seek compensation. ‘What about us?’ ‘Rat tours’ boom in rodent-infested New York Building Myself a Reading Tracker App with Airtable and Deno Fresh, Part 1...


Weekend Linkages: Let’s Get Liminal

...Better late than never news from the flower/celebrity gossip world ‘A soul killer’: what’s behind the US’s critical veterinarian shortage? How effective is honey for seasonal allergies? Museum Selfie-Takers Are Causing Damage by Backing Into Artworks Beware of the other’s dream Perfect peel at the 11foot8+8 bridge...
