Weekend Linkages: Covid Brain Edition

How to take care of your avocado trees Polyrhythms played on two Igbo cowbells LA City Council meeting now with more cowbell Outrage: future generations will laugh in horror and derision at the folly of facadism Weirdcore and the Eerie Atmospheres of Postmodernity Rationalist Harry Potter and the Collapse of Crypto Elon’s Biggest Boondoggle Why did the world’s richest man spend the past five years trying to sell cities a hole in the ground? The T...


Weekend Linkages: Advent Hauntology

All Saint’s Margaret Street. Photo: Diliff A Plea to Resurrect the Christmas Tradition of Telling Ghost Stories If you like the idea of Christmas ghost stories let me recommend the writings of M.R. James that you can access here for free Eric Garcetti’s Broken Sidewalks Coincidence department: Will Self discovers evensong and the hidden charm of All Saint’s, Margaret Street (which we visited last month in London) Watch out for the flu Chocolate P...


Weekend Linkages: Advent 4

...Detail from Canterbury Cathedral. Pruitt-Igoe: A Black Community Under the “Atomic Cloud” LA Trade Tech has a nearly 100-year-old vacant theater on its campus that it plans to demolish This house may or may not be real Hide Glue from the Gas Station Kisho Kurokawa’s metabolist masterpiece ‘capsule house K’...
