Announcing Our New Solar Cooking Initiative

...r can create meals of the same quality as those I turn out with my kitchen stove. Not “It’s not bad for solar” but “Hey….this is scrumptious!” More than that, I want to figure out what solar ovens do better than real ovens. I want to master the vocabulary of solar cooking. I figure the learning curve is going to be high–it’s like having to learn how to cook all over again–but I’m excited to have the Solavore Sport on hand for these experiments, be...


Weekend Linkages: Verging on Christmas

...Advent Lessons and Carols from St. John’s Episcopal Cathedral Los Angeles Complete Hobo Stove & Cooking Pots System Grow mushrooms in a 5 gallon bucket The mayor knew They don’t want you to know about triple hung curved glass windows Not a collection of mudlarking finds from the foreshore of the Thames. Biscuits...


Saturday Linkages: Rammed Earth, Vanilla Ice and Moonshine

...Best idea of the week. Image: Natural Building Blog Smokeless Rammed Earth Stove Ice Goes Amish: … Plastic debris for brains … RiYL podcast 041: Colin Spoelman, moonshine maker: … Brazil’s new dietary guidelines: food-based! http://feedly.c...


Cold brewed tisanes, teas and coffee: Your summertime best friends, you don’t have to heat water. You don’t have to get anywhere near the stove, and the finished product is nice and cold and ready to guzzle. Cold Mint Tea My everyday summertime fridge staple is cold mint tea (tisane, technically). I make this by simply throwing a handful of dried mint leaves (harvested from my rangy mint plant) into a jar, adding filtered water, and leaving it in the fridge for the length of a day, or overnight. Then I strain...
