Erik’s 2014 New Years Resolutions

...00% whole grain sourdough breads using freshly milled flour. Write up some recipes and share my results. Take a trip that involves a class or workshop. I’ve never regretted money spent on education (at least as an adult!). Good health. I’ve figured out a simple if quirky equation. If I can fence I’m healthy. If I can’t I’ve got work to do. This pretentious niche sport just happens to combine flexibility, endurance, strategy and speed. This past ye...


A Guilty Pleasure: The Mid-Century Menu

...ery thrift store would have a collection of post-war, space-age cookbooks. Recipes, in this period, are a kind of recombinatory matrix of industrial ingredients. You take some cocktail wieners, a dollop of mayonnaise, some ketchup and a surprise ingredient, say dried prunes and roll them all up into a ball that roughly resembles a low earth orbit satellite and you’ve got dinner. This is the culinary territory explored by “Retro Ruth,” the genius b...


Saturday Tweets: Georgia O’Keefe, Rampaging Peacocks and Mango Mania

...Georgia O’Keeffe, health food devotee: the pioneer of modernism’s favorite recipes @guardian @robertegger: — UC Food Observer (@ucfoodobserver) July 1, 2017 House sparrows: They might be cute little songbirds, but they're also opportunistic chicken-feed thieves who can… — Hobby Farms (@hobbyfarms) July 1, 2017 Mango mania hits the capital at 29th annual International Mango Festival featuring 500...


Saturday Tweets: Gardens, Grilled Cheese and Infinite Chocolate Chip Cookies

...BehavedOne — Guardian gardening (@guardiangardens) June 10, 2017 Cool! RT @nprfood: An Illustrated Guide To Master The Elements Of #Cooking — Without #Recipes — UC Food Observer (@ucfoodobserver) June 4, 2017 Infinite chocolate chip cookies — Root Simple (@rootsimple) June 8, 2017...
