Saturday Linkages: Balloon Jumping, Front Yard Graves and a Poo Themed Restaurant … Pico-Dwelling: Urban Living in Less than 200 Square Feet … Branch-Like Modular Benches Have Endless Possibilities … The Venetian Handcart … 5 MPH Home: Ultra-Tiny Caravan Towed by Mobility Scooter...


Picture Sundays: California Bike Map 1895

...Via Paleofuture: The 1895 map rated each road for its condition: Good (G), Fair (F), Poor (P), and Very Poor (VP), as well as rating its grade: Level (L), Rolling (R), Hilly (H), and Mountainous (M). Even a cursory glance at the map below shows that a good, flat road was rare — especially outside of California’s urban areas....


Saturday Linkages: Cheese Powder and Torpedo Bikes

...-than-this-crowdfunde-1458308873 … Berlin workshop on “Unpleasant Design”: urban design that bullies it users: … It’s Time to Rethink America’s Corn System … Cheese powder: What is it?: … My Vintage Apron Collection


Campfire Cooking: Fish in Clay (& Vegetarian Options!), you should use clay packs instead. Pascal said that cooked this way, carrots should be done in about 15 minutes, small potatoes in about 25 minutes, full sized potatoes in an hour. To find out more about Pascal and Mia’s classes, check out Urban Outdoor Skills and Transitional Gastronomy. It’s worth a trip to Los Angeles to take a class. Their Meetup groups are The Los Angeles Wild Food and Self-Reliance Group and Foraging Foodies LA. Friend t...


Climate Change and Personal Responsibility

...en so much positive change on this front, even just in the last few years. Urban homesteading, slow food, organics, bikes, car share, DIY, all of it — it’s blossoming. It’s very hopeful. I’m going to put the next part in italics because it’s so important: The pleasure and satisfaction that we all receive from living this way is the positive counterspell to the dark enchantment of consumer culture. When we live this way, we become positive examples...
