Weekend Linkages: Fall Fig Leaf

...Homemade Harissa Sauce Fascine Mattresses: Basketry Gone Wild A timeline of Food (via Recomendo newsletter) Saturday afternoon Ikea trip simulator Just in case you need a centaur costume Art, Hoax, and Provocation The quiet, monochromatic urban landscapes of Russian painter Vladimir Shinkarev In dystopia news . . . Against artsploitation That strange 1990s swing revival thing An interactive world music map (via Recomendo newsletter)...


Learning to Draw Version 4.0

...and would like to do that again. The takeaway from those classes was the importance of setting time limits and doing sketches that are loose and quick as well as long and detailed. For architectural sketching I’ve been working my way through a new book, Sketch Club Urban Drawing. See above for my warning on shopping for art supplies, but I do really like my Rotring Isograph College Set. It comes with three refillable pens, a mechanical pencil, an...


Saturday Linkages: Late Sunday Edition

...Kohlstedt) March 30, 2021 The ancient fabric that no one knows how to make Urban Fish Ponds: Low-tech Sewage Treatment for Towns and Cities Anywhere but Here: Ponte Tower More than 5,000 people attend illegal party at Tonto national forest in Arizona Weird Zillow listing of the week An internet mystery: someone built a copy of the Borgund Stave Church in Connecticut and the craftspeople weren’t happy with “bossman” Why This Historically Black Clin...


Spaceship Earth

...what could be more non-essential than hippie avant-garde thespians? For us urban homesteader types, it’s also good to have a reminder that hubris in the face of complexity is an occupational hazard of anyone who attempts to garden, keep animals, cook from scratch or otherwise interact with things other than laptops and iPhones. You can stream Spaceship Earth via the YouTubes for here. If you haven’t seen Adam Curtis’ All Watched Over by Machines o...


See Homegrown Revolution this Saturday!

...en to Burning Man, but we’re big fans of the movie The Wicker Man and we figure it’s probably similar, which is why we’re happy to announce that we’ll be doing a brief appearance at the Los Angeles Burning Man Decompression this Saturday October 13th in support of our book The Urban Homesteader, due out next May from Process Media. The Burning Man Decom will take place on Sante Fe between the 4th and 6th Street Bridges in the Artist District deep...
