Back From Nowhere

...switching our hosting service and has restored the ability to subscribe to posts via email. Thank you Roman! While I recover my muse, have a listen to this excellent summary of William Morris’ life via the Jacobin Podcast. The more I become familiar with Morris’ art and politics the more I think he speaks to our time, of the need to recover an optimism about the future and the right we all have to meaningful work....



...This month I’ve witnessed someone fall deep into a QAnon hole as well as a homesteader on YouTube go full Militia LARP. What once could be appreciated as a paranoid if creative imaginarium now has real world consequences. People have been shot and bombs have detonated. Art had a brush with real world consequences when the Heaven’s Gate cult committed suicide after listening to a segment of his show but that’s a long way from January 6th’s Q-Shaman...


Shoe Fail! of those barefoot conspiracy theorists. Thanks to the News From Nowhere podcast of journalist Corey Pein, I discovered that there’s a strange world of folks who hold that there’s a vast conspiracy against walking barefoot. Pein talked to Brandon Sutton (Chad Vigorous) of @th3discourse about the barefoot conspiracy theory community, who make the flat earth/pizzagate folks seem grounded, so to speak. While I love a good Sasquatch story I just wan...


Saturday Linkages: Advent 3/4

...o watch the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter Make a Christmas shadowbox A podcast about Arthur Machen’s weird vision of art Watch Peter Follansbee carve a shallow relief pattern From Instagram to Insistent Goats: Another Life After Social Media Case Study Slavoj Žižek on the “screen new deal” My wife just confessed that for her entire childhood she thought Colonel Sanders’ bow tie was his whole body and now I can’t stop seeing a tiny stick body e...
