Weekend Linkages: May Day Edition

...Billy Bragg sings the Internationale William Morris How I Became a Socialist Vision zero is going well here in LA Riding a bike in American should not be this dangerous Texas Plans to Punish Companies That Move Away From Fossil Fuels Buckets and Hydroponic Baskets for Growing Summer Veggies I’m for more caftans The right kind of worker (a podcast episode for your May Day)...


Weekend Linkages: Pyramids, Strange Houses and F-ing Gourds

...Orange free peaches, painted by Elsie E. Lower, 1910. Via @pomological. A stepped pyramid in the desert Where did SARS-CoV-2 come from? People are still taking that horse medication That time someone tried to set up a Vietnam war theme park (a podcast) Strangest Zillow listing ever The Diapers.com Guy Wants to Build a Utopian Megalopolis F-ing gourd season Can We Live Without Twitter?...
