Saturday Tweets: Soviet Bus Stops, Sitting and a Life on Tires

“Life on Tires” Wendy and MIkey interview with the C-Realm Podcast. #hondalement — wendy tremayne (@wendytremayne) October 2, 2015 The Wild Architecture of Soviet-Era Bus Stops via @WIRED — Root Simple (@rootsimple) October 2, 2015 Fans of Garden Design Magazine | Garden Rant — Root Simple (@rootsimple) September 30, 2015 Beautiful #sukkot you’ll want...


Holy Scrap on the Road

... The Holy Scrap Hot Springers, our guests on episode 18 of the podcast are spending seven months touring the US in their pimped out Honda element. In this video Wendy and Mikey show off their 35 square foot “Hondominium” from which they run an eBay based business out in the middle of nowhere/everywhere....


New Slow City

This Wednesday’s Root Simple Podcast will feature our interview of author William Powers. We just finished recording his interview a few minutes ago, and it’s a good one. Some of you may have read Bill’s previous book, Twelve by Twelve, in which he chronicles his time in a small off-grid cabin. In New Slow City, he and his wife move to a micro-apartment in Manhattan, and, by slowing down consciously, finds he can work less and find connection wit...


Pet Peeve: Texting at the Gym

...acknowledge that I’ve probably been guilty of searching for just the right podcast episode between sets. But the gym should be for exercise not sending out texts. Smartphone use on the gym floor has become an epidemic at my local YMCA. Once the New Years resolution crowd thins out in a month or so it won’t be so bad, but right now you have to wait a long time for some benches and machines due to texting millennials. The solution is simple. If you’...
