Fruit Tree Maintenance Calendars

...est issues on fruit trees. The University of California has a very helpful page of fruit tree maintenance calendars for us backyard orchard enthusiasts. The calendars cover everything from when to water, fertilize, paint the trunks and many other tasks. You can also find them in one big handy set of charts in UC’s book The Home Orchard. The permaculturalist in me likes our low-maintenance pomegranate and prickly pear cactus. But I also like my app...


Bike Lane Blocking, An Angry Rant and Something You Can Do

...ile we have a few (not enough) bike lanes, those bike lanes are often blocked by film crews, Uber drivers and Highway Patrol officers picking up a burger. The LA County Bicycle Coalition has set up a reporting page to collect data on blocked lanes. The information collected will be used to lobby city officials. Unblocking those lanes is a whole lot simpler than a trip to mars or hailing an Uber drone....


080 Lessons From the Theodore Payne 2016 Garden Tour

...lists on why some residential drought measures are shortsighted. A blog post we did on the 2016 Theodore Payne Garden tour. Pictures of the gardens on the Theodore Payne tour. The new Hahamongna Cooperative Nursery and Hahamongna Cooperative Nursery Facebook page. If you want to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to You can subscribe to our podcast in the iTunes store and...
