Picture Sundays: Name This Flower

...I planted our parkway with a California native wildflower mix from Theodore Payne last year. This flower was the most successful and reseeded itself. But I lost the seed package and don’t know its name. Identify it and you win bragging rights . . . Update: Dree wins bragging rights! It’s Elegant clarkia (Clarkia unguiculata)....


Picture Sundays: Mountain of Squash

This mountain of heirloom squash was the centerpiece of the National Heirloom Exposition that took place in Sonoma in September of last year. Next year’s Exposition will be taking place on September 10, 11, and 12 at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds. The past two years have featured an amazing roster of speakers and exhibitors all for a very low admission charge. It’s well worth traveling a long distance to attend this unique event. If anyone is int...
