Picture Sundays: Root Simple Compound Caught On Google Street View

It appears that Google Street View, back in April, caught me in the act of contemplating cleaning the garage. You can tell from my posture that I’m in the intellectual rather than the physical stage of garage sorting. In the front yard the fruit trees have leafed out, clarkia is blooming in the sparse parkway, the nopal is loaded with immature fruit and the roses have yet to climb the entrance arbor. If only I had a Root Simple banner and and an...


Picture Sundays: The Unintentionally Groovy Cover of the High Desert Corridor Envionmental Impact Report

Damien Newton of Streetsblog Los Angeles has caused the cover of an obscure bureaucratic document to go viral in our local cycling community. And with good reason. Some genius at Caltrans designed a cover by tossing clip art and 80s graphics into a Vitamix. Speculation is that the designer might be named Brad (note Brad the turtle chasing a chipmunk in the upper right corner). Every time I look at it I see something new: psychedelic condors ridin...
