Picture Sundays: Inside a Corpse Flower

We went to the Huntington Gardens yesterday to see their corpse flower (Amorphophallus titanum—and, yes, that is a NSFW scientific name) which was set to bloom soon. A few minutes after we arrived an excited docent ran thought the conservatory letting everyone know that the flower was starting to open. We had lucked out. It takes years for the plant to bloom and the flower does not last long. We left to have lunch and when we came back horticultu...


Picture Sunday: Baldassare Forestiere’s Underground Paradise

Sicilian immigrant Baldassare Forestiere spent 40 years, until his death in 1946, digging an underground house to escape the unforgiving heat of Fresno, California. He hoped that his underground abode would someday become a hotel. That never happened, but he did manage to create, in my opinion, one of the most striking residences in the United States. We’ll do a longer post about it, but in the meantime, here’s two photos of one of the many citru...
