Picture Sundays: Mountain of Squash

This mountain of heirloom squash was the centerpiece of the National Heirloom Exposition that took place in Sonoma in September of last year. Next year’s Exposition will be taking place on September 10, 11, and 12 at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds. The past two years have featured an amazing roster of speakers and exhibitors all for a very low admission charge. It’s well worth traveling a long distance to attend this unique event. If anyone is int...


Picture Sundays: Doberman Chariots

“Ready for the race! Brutus of Quintre and his charge are ready for the sulky races, a regular feature of some of the South African sporting events.” Photos via The Doberman Insider. Now that we are without a car, it’s time for us to figure out alternative forms of transportation. Our late dog was a Doberman and I remembered a book we used to have about the breed that showed some unusual events that used to be held in South Africa in the 1970s: h...


Picture Sundays: A Native Bee Hotel

...Don’t know much about this native bee house other than that it’s near Paris. For more info on native bee habitats, see our post from earlier this year. Update: reader Drew left a comment to say that this habitat is in the Jardin des Plantas in Paris which is attached to the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (http://www.mnhn.fr/le-museum/). Thanks to David Dalzel for the tip....
