Disaster Nationalism: A Politics of Cleansing Violence

...d to ailments such as cardiovascular disease rather than to the conditions making people vulnerable to the disease. If one wasn’t tuned in to politics, one might have been aware of losing a loved one, of misfortunes piling up, of the quality of life generally getting worse, without having a face to put to the crime. In those circumstances, resentment might either remain below the threshold of awareness or settle on a personal or political scapegoa...


These Cheese Puffs are Gangsta

...ys come back to the evergreen Onion gag about Nike supposedly giving up on making shoes and just doing ads. Maybe Snoop has strayed too far from his musical roots, what with his cavorting with Martha Stewart, chilling with Rick Caruso and clowning around at the Olympics. Perhaps, like the future shoe-free Nike company, he should swear off the music (if he hasn’t already?) and ascend to the realm of pure signs. Whereas we may have previously imagin...


Join or Die: Why You Should Join a Club

...I attended a screening last night of a new documentary, seven years in the making, profiling the work of Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam, best known for the book Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community. I read this book when it came out and it had a profound influence on me, leading to years of joining clubs and organizations. The documentary is professionally produced and features some high level interviewees inclu...


Introducing #ArtShopaholism and #BiblioShopaholism

...king a healthy dinner or cleaning the house. #ArtShopaholism: Not actually making art but, instead, shopping and/or obsessing over art supplies. I’ve found drawing useful, but it’s a skill you have to practice in order to get any good at. To counter this I’m only allowing myself to draw with whatever crappy ballpoint pen I have on me. No thinking about, buying or obsessing over having the “right” pen pencil or sketchpad. #BiblioShopaholism: Shoppi...


Make Your Own Landscape Lighting

...staircase accidents, and I run them only during the hours they are likely to be needed. We need to embrace the night not try to hold it back. That said, I’m happy with this DIY effort and plan on making some more lights with some of the metal cutting skills I’ve picked up doing inlay work on a bed project. More on that in a future post when I get that bed done....
