More on our gardening disasters

...anky demands (Grow, damn you!). How do we find that spirit again? I can’t speak for Erik, but for me, it starts with curiosity. Along with the standard edibles, we should plant some unusual things this spring, stuff we’ve never grown before, or plants that attract me for some idiosyncratic reason. Fun plants, in other words. Above, I re-posted that picture of the heart-shaped flax bed I created planted back in 2011. Planting a few square feet of f...


What Will Be the New Kale?

Our 2011 crop of spigarello. Since 2011, we’ve been saying that Spigarello is the new kale. Thanks to a tip from the folks at Winnetka Farms, we may need to wait for BroccoLeaf™ to have its fifteen minutes of fame as the new kale. The Salinas, California based Foxy Organic is, quite sensibly, marketing broccoli leaves. Broccoli leaves are indeed edible and tasty. Foxy has the recursive media to prove it, a Facebook photo of someone Instagramming...


Our Favorite Searches, but we can suggest a healthier use for a 5 gallon bucket. “pizza dough peak oil flour” It may be shameless promotion, but we think we’re the only source for a pizza recipe for peak oil fans. Of course, sticklers for detail will point out that we did not grow and grind our own flour. We’ll get to how to do that soon. “injera get bad without refrigeration” We made a very successful batch of the Ethiopian bread injera back in March without any re...


Post Petroleum Lecture – a reminder

...Times (New Society 2006) envisions the world as it will be transformed by peak oil and climate change, and offers a prescription for re-inhabitation. As one of the founders of the Eco village Network of the Americas (1994) and the Global Eco village Network (1995), Albert used his lifetime of eco-community living skills to create an incendiary meme, sparked by dedicated individuals and fueled by the pressing necessity of changing the way in which...


Convention Report: Natural Products Expo West 2016

...local Whole Foods in the coming year? Here’s what I observed: We’ve passed peak kale. In fact I’d say there’s a full-on kale backlash. The smart folks have moved on to moringa and seaweed. We may also have passed peak kombucha. Matcha is the new kombucha. Gluten is still in jail but is eligible for parole. I think America’s current favorite food villain is going to switch soon to . . . Sugar. Sugar is the new gluten. Since sugar is such a phenomen...
