The Root Simple Workshop

...bright orange/white/black color scheme. Our friend Lee Conger noticed the labeling on these cabinets that point to our overly eclectic interests: It’s like our heads need to be KonMaried! And fencing purists will note that the label should be “epee parts” not “swords.” Our three bikes and cycling accoutrements are kept locked to a pole. Always lock your bikes, kids, even when they are in the garage! The one last touch I want to add to the worksho...


Urban Homestead Trademarks Cancelled! that helped publicize Coyne and Knutzen’s book, as well as the Facebook page of a Denver farmer’s market. In 2011, EFF and Winston & Strawn petitioned the USPTO on behalf of Coyne, Knutzen, and book publisher Process Media, asking for the trademarks’ cancellation. “The words and phrases we use every day to describe basic activities should never be the exclusive property of a single person or business,” said EFF Legal Director Corynne McSherry....


Bike Lane Blocking, An Angry Rant and Something You Can Do

...for the sake of future generations. A good first step would be making alternatives to driving more safe and appealing. Unfortunately, LA’s allegedly “progressive” mayor and city council might as well be the Tea Party when it comes to transportation policy. Frankly, I’d rather deal with outright climate change deniers than our local elected officials such as mayor Garcetti who, rather than the un-sexy and often politically unpalatable work of insta...


126 The Wild Yards Project with David Newsom

...est Gloucester“ Wild Yards Map Wild Yards Project newsletter (at bottom of page) Native plants for realtors The Gottlieb Native Garden: A California Love Story LA Natural History Museum Garden @plasticarmy on Instagram If you’d like to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to You can subscribe to our podcast in the iTunes store and on Stitcher. Closing theme music by Dr. Fran...
