Book Review: The Blood of the Earth: An Essay on Magic and Peak Oil

...P it is no steal, either. All forms of the book are available on this here page. The paperback version is (sorta)(sometimes) available at Amazon. A good, free way to get to know Geer’s thinking is to read the archive of his weekly blog, The Archdruid Report. Right now he’s doing something a little different, a series of fictional pieces to illustrate an idea, but you’ll find many of the concepts from The Blood of the Earth in his blog posts, espec...


Natural Beekeeping Conference This Weekend!

...gust 19th, 6-9pm! There will also be “Special Interest Groups” on both days covering a wide range of topics for both beginner and advanced beekeepers (see full schedule at the bottom of this page). All who are interested in bees and beekeeping are welcomed to attend! #HLONBC Limited tickets available to this awesome weekend so REGISTER NOW! Save...


Saturday Linkages: Battling Herbicides, Solar Wall Ovens and Jaywalking … Consider the Cane Toad … Commercial Solar Wall Ovens Wilson Solar Grill for outdoor cooking … America’s public transit routes, mapped:


Advantages and Disadvantages of Raised Bed Vegetable Gardening

...’m weaning myself from peat moss, an unsustainable product. Unfortunately, all those bags have to be hauled up thirty steps. As a whole, what we’ve done with our garden is a compromise. Most of the yard is permaculturish: lots of small fruit trees, some native plants, ornamental flowering plants for the wildlife and a whole lot of mulch. But I like to have a few Italian veggies so we’ve got five small raised beds. Did I leave anything off this lis...
