More boneheaded plant representations from Hollywood

...designer shoes and footballs do. This is why it is fine to be stupid about plants, because nobody cares about plants, and we have lost every last vestige of plant literacy. I don’t think this is a case of me being picky. I’m not being a plant geek here, pointing out some minutiae of botany. I’m talking about the misuse of really common plants that people do know, or should know. Ferns, for example, are a plant that even the most determinedly unint...


Saturday Linkages: Bitters, Dogs and Native Plants

...13/12/04/how-to-eat-more-plant-based-meals-handout-now-available/ …. Eagle Rock backyard yields fresh fruit and food for the hungry … Native plants: restoring an idea– … In the U.S., recycling is often pigeonholed as… – Unconsumption For these links and more...


Root Knot Nematodes, Meliodogyne spp.

.... But I was desperate so I shelled out the money to give it a try. I applied the beneficial nematodes in my garden and at a client’s house. So we have two experimental plots. I’ll let you know how it goes. Of course, you can always grow plants that are resistant or not affected by parasitic nematodes. I have noticed that new zealand spinach is totally immune. While other plants are stunted and won’t grow, new zealand spinach flourishes. So if all...


Physalis pruinosa a.k.a. “Ground Cherry”

...ich includes edible plants such as tomatoes and potatoes, and psychotropic plants such as datura and tobacco. Many plants of the nightshade family combine edibility and toxicity–Physalis pruinosa has edible fruit that tastes something like a cross between a pineapple and a tomato, with the rest of the plant being poisonous. The Physalis genus, which includes Physalis pruinosa, is somewhat of a neglected backwater of the nightshade family with a nu...
