Vegetable Gardening Workshops at the Natural History Museum

...Master Gardener Florence Nishida will be teaching a four part vegetable gardening class starting in March. Florence is a great teacher and there are a number of discounted spaces for people in zip codes surrounding the Natural History Museum. To sign up for the class go to the museum’s event page or call 213 763-3349. Act soon as it’s sure to sell out....


How to Search for Science-Based Gardening Advice

Agricola’s search page. In the course of writing our books and this blog we’ve had to deal with a lot of thorny gardening questions such as the effectiveness of double digging, the toxicity of persimmons, compost tea, lasagna gardening and how to mulch to name just a few. While the internet is an amazing tool, the number of conflicting commercial interests, biases and crazy talk in the eGardening world can make it difficult to, as Mark Twain put...


Natural Beekeeping Conference This Weekend!

...gust 19th, 6-9pm! There will also be “Special Interest Groups” on both days covering a wide range of topics for both beginner and advanced beekeepers (see full schedule at the bottom of this page). All who are interested in bees and beekeeping are welcomed to attend! #HLONBC Limited tickets available to this awesome weekend so REGISTER NOW! Save...


115 Inventing a New Word: Apisoir

...he reasons he thinks we should support local honey. You heard it first on Root Simple! During the podcast Michael mentions: Rowan Jacobsen’s book American Terroir: Savoring the Flavors of Our Woods, Waters, and Fields “Merroir“ Bee Local Honey Planet Bee You can reach Michael via his Facebook page and his email is Apisoir, apisoir, apisoir! If you’d like to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call (213) 537-...
